About me.

Hi, I’m Professor Dresden. I’ve been teaching at W&L for over 25 years, and I’ve taught everything from calculus to cryptography to continued fractions. I do summer research with students, occasionally teach an actuary class, and when I’m not in the office I can sometimes be found at the swimming pool with my wife and two children. Before W&L, I spent many years in school, at Stanford, Wisconsin, and Texas. My somewhat-outdated curriculum vitae has more detailed information about my academic and professional activities. My email is dresdeng “at” wlu “dot” edu.

Office hours.

Tuesday & Thursday midday (11am-1pm) by Zoom using the same link as for class; email me for details.

Favorite classes.

It’s hard to choose! I had a tremendous amount of fun a few years back with my Math 332 class (Ordinary Differential Equations). We took some rather simple differential equations and created lovely stream plots that depict the behavior of the solution over time, given a certain initial condition. Here are two pictures from computer labs we did in class. The first one is a regular stream plot …

… and this second one is the same plot, but run through a filter to create a lovely effect.

Oh, and despite the occasional use of computers, my teaching is actually pretty old-school. I mainly use the chalkboard, which leads to some wonderful (hand-drawn) mathematical displays. My students saw a lot of this in my Real Analysis class (Math 311-312), where I gave detailed presentations like this one on the implicit function theorem:

and this one on uniform convergence:

… but don’t worry, that’s just what the chalkboard looks like at the end of class.

Math information (graduate schools, careers in math, and so on).

Local information.

W&L links that you might find useful!

Favorite charities.

And here’s a bit more. The cause that is nearest and dearest to my heart is organ donation. I have some details about my 2018 kidney donation on my advice page (scroll to the bottom), and also you can go directly to kidney.org, to bethematch.org, and to organdonor.gov. Or, you can just ask me about it. You can save someone’s life.